German grade converter
German grade system explained
What is the German grade system?
Grades in Germany follow a 5 or 6-point system.
1.0 is the best grade, 4.0 is the passing mark. Anything above (5 or 6) is a failing grade.
Grading systems vary significantly across countries, as well as within Germany. German grades are asked on MS applications only to get an early idea, but it is non-binding.
Converting international grades to the German system
International grades are converted using the “modified Bavarian formula”, as specified by the resolution of the Kultusministerkonferenz.
This works for the Indian system (10-point grade scale), percentages (0-100%)
Tips for MS applicants
1. Don’t convert your score to the German grade system unless specifically asked by the program. Apply with the grades from your university.
2. If you have a strict grading system, use the grade of the course topper as the maximum grade. Your grade will be relative to the top student.
3. Universities consider your rank in class, it always helps to mention in your LORs: "xyz was among the top n% students in our class".
ECTS credits are different from grades.